Tips for helping a baby with colic

Discussion in 'Health' started by MIB ADMIN, Jan 27, 2015.


    MIB ADMIN Moderator Staff Member

    This is a question that gets asked a lot on our Facebook page. Here are the responses to a recent question (Please note - these suggestions are given by mums, not by MIB itself or any medical practitioner):

    Have a daughter who is 2 weeks old and has colic problem. Cries a lot
    Any tips MUMS

    • Cooled boiled water regularly
    • Sorry but giving a two week old water is not a good idea unless you've been advised by a doctor to do so. Have you tried wearing her in a sling during the time she is colicy? Might help settle her but also give you hands free for eating/drinking/etc.
    • Feed her with Dr Brown's bottles if your not breast feeding. They literally are the best for colic issues. You would love them for sure.

    • BioGaia Probiotics did wonders for my little one. I could only find at a few pharmacies though because it sells out quick. Also tummy massage and warm baths helped.
    Dentinox colic drops very very effective

    • Disflatyl drops are very effective
    • And try the I U massage. Its usually helps
    • Try switching on a hair dryer ..white noise helps too
    • Colic EZ..
    • Disflaty drops are perfect in this case

    • This actually helps
      The Happiest Baby on the Block - Richard & Judy
      Dr. Harvey Karp shows Richard & Judy how to calm...

    • Try disflatyl... but first visit to Dr.Shrikumar at Royal Bahrain Hospital.... he is best pediatrician in island

    • Can be so many things , is the baby hungry ? Do you breastfeed your daughter (look what you had for dinner, babies don't like spicy food). If not breastfeeding change the milk. I used fennel tea for my kids .Give baby a good oil massage. Or hold her in your arm and on her belly and massage her back .......

    • What works for one mum and her baby doesn't work for everybody. I would suggest you also look at your diet before giving meds. I stopped eating: onion, garlic, spices, tomatoes, oranges, lemons and ALL milk products! Also no coffee or juice. It helped. After 1 week I reintroduced one item every 2-3 days to see babys reaction. Eventually only milk products were left. They gave him gas and cramps, so I didn't eat or drink milk products at all for 3 months but it was worth itYou will have to make up for loss of nutrients and vitamins by giving yourself supplements.

    • Dr Brown bottles, only thing that helped my son and as soon as my daughter went on to bottles I used them straight away and she never suffered with colic.

    • Colic does usually fade as your baby gets a bit older but I know that doesn't make it easier currently. As long as your baby is gaining weight and feeding well you shouldn't be too concerned, although I know it will be difficult to deal with. Hopefully by 6 weeks you should notice an improvement. But good luck and all the best for you tiny baby!
    • Massage her tummy now and then:))
    • There is a cream (oil based) available in market. All natural probably made of fennel seeds.... its used for tummy massage for colic babies.. pretty effective. And boil a pinch of fennel seeds in water and add a fresh mint leave when it's boiled. Use that water if baby's on formula. And plz do the tummy massage. Google it.

    • Also u can try laying baby on your knees, rocking side to side and gently patting and rubbing the back area..this can help too. I used to do this with my babies if they had colic sometimes...
    • Warm water in a baby bath tub. Take bath 5 min
    • My son (now 14 months) had awful colic when he was first born. He pretty much didn't sleep for the first few weeks. We tried everything and out of desperation, went against current advice and laid him down on his tummy to sleep during the day. He slept like a log and the colic eased. He went from not sleeping at night to sleeping 5-6 hours. It's not for everyone and depends on your sleeping arrangements. He still sleeps on his tummy now.
    • Yes sleeping on tummy also works for my baby (2months now) he sleeps even longer that way and seems to release more gas naturally. Maybe you can try that..

      My baby had a similar situation and i gave her Woodward gripe water mixed with warm water (zamzam preferred ), at least 2.5 ml of each should be given at once, one dosage is normally enough

    • Colic ez! ! Best colic drops daughter was also colic but these drops helped a lot

    • Bowl the fennel in the water and let your baby drink it twice a day I have tried and my mum use to give us when we were babies it's the best trust me with warm bath and she will be inshallah well

    • Take one to drops of olive oil N put in her belly button use gripe water regularly, use fennel water and watch your diet if u r breastfeeding tc

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