Healthy snack ideas for children

Discussion in 'Food and Cooking' started by MIB ADMIN, Feb 24, 2015.


    MIB ADMIN Moderator Staff Member

    Knowing what to give to our youngsters when they're hungry between meals, can be a real challenge - it's very easy to resort to shop bought processed 'snacks' such as chips or sweets.

    Some obvious ideas as alternatives are:

    - fruit - grapes, sliced strawberries, melon, apple, tangerines, kiwi etc
    - toasted pitta bread and humus
    - cucumber or carrot sticks with a soft cheese or labneh dip - try sprinkling a little lemon juice on the vegetables for extra flavour
    - plain yogurt with some fresh fruit puree to sweeten

    What other healthy snack ideas do you have for your children? Please share with us..........

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