My 7 mo baby refuses food

Discussion in 'Parenting' started by Nita, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Nita

    Nita New Member

    Hi mums, it's been 1 months since we arrived in Bahrain. I started to teach my baby to eat foods. In the beginning he was so excited. He tried rice cereal, pumpkin, carrot, & potato purée, avocado, and banana. And he was having a good schedule of feeding too (twice a day). One time he got a bit sick (fever and a bit of flu), since then he become choosy in feeding time. He only want pumpkin purée and avocado. Too bad it's getting worse this week, each time i feed him he made this weird-annoyed expression (like he never eat those food before) and after second spoon he tried to vomit it.
    I always tried to give him fresh food, but he often refuse it. Thank God my breast milk is sufficient all this time. However i start worried with this.
    Anyone have the same experience? Please share your experience and advices.
    Thank you

    MIB ADMIN Moderator Staff Member

    It is very common for babies to have stages of being fussy with what they will take, and reduce the amount that they will eat....... My daughter didn't actually accept ANY solids until she around 9 mnths - I was beside myself with worry! BUT, it will almost certainly sort itself over the next few weeks or months........ I would keep offering different foods, probably having his favourites as a back up maybe once a day. Also, how about trying soft finger foods for him to feed himself? Both of my children were a lot happier when they held the spoon rather than being fed by someone else - you could try that too. If you are in any way worried, then get an appointment with a paediatrician to discuss it. But, try not to worry, breast milk is fine as the main source of calories until the age of 1 (that is what we are told in the UK anyway) - up until around that age, solids are just for fun and experimentation :)
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